Alice (2020)
“Alice” is about Park Jin Gyeom an emotionless detective who learns about the existence of time travelers and comes from the future through a device called “Alice.” In the course of his investigations into “Alice,” he has a fateful reunion with a woman who died a long time ago named Yoon Tae Yi . Actress Kim Hee Sun will be playing two characters who look alike, Yoon Tae Yi and Park Sun Young.
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Nonton Alice (2020) (Episode 4) Subtitle Indonesia DramaQu
“Alice” is about Park Jin Gyeom an emotionless detective who learns about the existence of time travelers and comes from the future through a device called “Alice.” In the course of his investigations into “Alice,” he has a fateful reunion with a woman who died a long time ago named Yoon Tae Yi . Actress Kim Hee Sun will be playing two characters who look alike, Yoon Tae Yi and Park Sun Young.
Also Known As:
Hotel Alice
Dramaqu adalah sebuah platform streaming yang populer untuk menonton drama Korea, variety show, dan film Asia lainnya. Dramaqu menyediakan berbagai konten dengan subtitle dalam bahasa Indonesia, sehingga memudahkan penggemar untuk menikmati beragam program tanpa perlu mengerti bahasa aslinya. Platform ini telah menjadi salah satu pilihan utama bagi para penggemar K-drama dan konten Asia lainnya di Indonesia.
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